Friday, January 28, 2011

#3- 50 Questions That Will Free My Mind

#3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

Honestly, I feel like it's because life starts to take control of self.  It should never be this way. I have ONE friend that I can honestly say has fully lived her life to it's highest potential, and with each and every new feat, comes new challenges. She had to literally give up her family, home, belongings, past... everything just to live her dream. And after giving up all of that, she can honestly say she is truly happy. Except- here's the best part y'all. She doesn't even view it as happiness, she has come to view each and every wonderful perfectly fantastic blissfully challenging day as just any other day, she's just come to accept that happiness is a way of life, not a feeling.

And yes, I am speaking about my Michelle. 

I think what it really comes down to, is that in life, in order to do the things we DO like, and this should be a common goal for everyone, you have to do things you DON'T like. For example, staying in houston at a charter school, teaching, and making JUST enough money to pay for greater education in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT COUNTRY. Run on sentence much! Michelle, if I'm saying too much you can kick me later, but really you are just the perfect example here. Love yooooou.

I also think that we like the concept of things far too much. For example, I turned down three proposals before I said yes to Rudy. From three different men.  Why? Because I KNEW in my heart from my own experiences that they liked the conceptual idea of being married, and that as much as they Wanted to be ready, they A) totally weren't and STILL aren't. and B) didn't love me.

They just loved the idea of me as their wife, because if I may say so myself, I do a very good job fulfilling the very cliche aspects of that role. I have worked very hard to obtain this person that I am today, and yeah, not gunna lie, I'm damn proud of it. I didn't used to be all molly-homemaker (a little secret, before I turned 19, I didn't even want kids!) I had to do some serious growing up, and stop using, and stop sleeping around, and whatever else I went through. Yeah, I'm proud. Like I said, we have to do things we Don't want to do (ie quit using) to do the things we Like to do (ie having a family.) 

So here's my challenge for you guys:
Do something that you really Don't want to do to accomplish a bigger goal. Feel rejected, make sacrifices, challenge yourselves. And let me know how it goes.

I promise you, promise you, getting out of your comfort zone will make your lives so much better. I did it on a smaller scale, Michelle did it on a bigger scale. Life is worth living, so live it.


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