Friday, January 21, 2011


There are many different types of relationships. Lots of crossed lines and boundaries, and certainly lots of confusion. There's parents, friends, family members, friends with benefits, boyfriends, girlfriends, dates, one nighters, oh all different types just depending on who you are and your choices.

Lots of people forget that every relationship we encounter is a choice-- a conscious decision that we made.  

Well, I'll have you lot know that I certainly chose Rudy. Like really and truly had to make a very tough choice, notebook style almost. That's all you need to know, kay? So, I chose him. We talked one night and I went home my mind just going crazy. I called my old roomie, consulted my new roomies, called my mom... Hunter... everyone. It was hard. 

Going into Rudy and I's relationship, I was totally broken and very much fragile. I had been hurt by so many people before and I was just holding onto... everything. I was a mess. And Rudy just... took it. I woke up in the middle of the night crying, he'd consult me. He'd be there for me, even when it wasn't his job to repair my broken heart, he totally did it, and fufilled it.

Never in my life did I think that he could possibly break mine. But he has many a time before. That's the nitty gritty that most people don't ever want to discuss in their relationships. I'm so positive about mine, that I really don't mind sharing. I am a firm believer that you can not have a real relationships with out true blue fights and tests. I think that all relationships should be challenging to some degree. Once a year Rudy and I usually have a huge blow out fight. Huge. Family gets involved, we're yelling, screaming, and just being... us. "A tornado meets a volcano..." Yeah, we're totally like that. It's just awful. And friends, this week was it. We've been having little spats and spews over the past few weeks but this week was the cherry on the sundae. 

And you guys, I know it's not ever going to be perfect, but I am so thankful to have my rock. We pushed through the way we always do. Even when we feel totally hopeless, we totally push through. You have to see the darkest side in a person to fully love the brightest happiest side in a person. I think that all relationships really and truly do have the potential to be resolved and that it is totally worth it to try. There are two things I will Not stand for: physical abuse and cheating. I've been on ALL sides of Both accounts and from my own personal experiences, that just does not fly. 

Anyway, if you chose that your relationship is worth it, really truly worth it. It's worth it to give everything you've got. Communicate honestly and openly, don't hold back, have patience, and communicate with love. Lots of it. If you respect yourself, have the graces to give respect where it is truly deserved, you may be angry at that moment, but look back and realize it was pointless. Rudy and I snuggled last night after terrors of fights and we talked about everything we ever went through in the past and how far we've come. 

For me, it's worth it.

How do you decide if it's worth it for you?  I love to discuss with respect and reason but I do have the right to delete any comments that are seemingly malicious or hurtful. <3

1 comment:

  1. You know I've spent many years trying to make relationships work. Im stubborn and hardheaded and I think once Im in something I cant get out of it. I've learned that I need someone to just sit there and remind me that I dont have to decide everything right away. If I want to take time to myself I can... I dont know if that awrs your question and because Im not in any serious relationship I dont think I can. But know I am proud of your choice, I love you both, and I'm so glad he knows you so well :)
