Thursday, February 17, 2011

#4- 50 Questions That Will Free My Mind

When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

I would love to say no, but that isn't the honest answer. At least not today... or this year so far.
If I were to die right now, the answer would be yes, I have said more than I've done.

Life gets in the way of a lot of "doing." I'd love to lose more weight, be a better spouse, get an education, and so on and so fourth but sometimes I have very dark days. Extremely dark. And I just about give up on myself.

I feel like I owe it to myself to at least start working out. This is huge for me. I feel like I would be exceptionally better off if I just moved. The only problem right now is that I don't have the proper shoes, even to walk outside with Anabell in her stroller. Rudy says we will get me shoes, but... it's been over a month now and we spend money on other things like eating out or margaritas. 

It's comical to read, but that's why I'm answering these questions: to challenge myself. 

Things have been really rough lately, and although that honestly isn't an excuse, it sure feels like one. It's been a long week, can you tell? 

  If I could Do more starting today, Right Now these are the things I would change:

-be a better spouse, learn to be patient and listen 
-learn how to communicate more efficiently
-lose weight, get into shape
-get another job
-save job money for Anabell's college fund
-free ourselves from debt
-finish college and start my career

Some of those things are very short-term, but I feel like all of those things would have positive lasting effects. I wish I could say more on this subject, but again, dark days are upon me and times are hard right now. I'll let you guys know how things are coming along, but right now, I think I just need to take some time and get priorities in order.

I'll keep you lot posted.

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