Monday, February 28, 2011


So, for the past four months of so, I've been having constantly constant headaches. I'd take a tylenol or an excerdin or whatever, to no avail. They didn't hurt too terribly bad, but they were just... There. Like a constant annoyance. I just chose to ignore them for the most part and if it got bad to where the light bugged me, I'd go to bed with a cold compress on my neck and over the front of my eyes. No big deal.

Well, over the past month my headaches have gotten progressively worse.  Again, I just rested when I could and tried to cut back on stuff that may trigger them, ie junk food, caffiene, etc...

On saturday we went to Galveston to take Anabell to the Mardi Gras carnival and 6:30 Parade. We got home and my head was mildly hurting, we were getting ready for bed around ten o'clock or so, and I went to go check on Anabell who was fast asleep in her crib.

"Babe, there's a HUGE cockroach in Anabell's room, can you come get it?"-me
"Sure babe, no problem. Can you get the paper towels for me?"-Rudy
I got the paper towels and Rudy went into Anabell's room armed.
 "Steph, there's no cockroach in here. I swear, I can't see it."-Rudy
Anabell's room has only one nightlight and as soon as she's in bed that's the ONLY light we use, so she stays asleep during diaper changes, so I went in to point it out to him.
"Rudy, it's Right there, next to the box of pampers on the floor. See? It's crawling to the window."-me
Rudy picked up the pamper box, ready to attack, and I saw the cockroach scatter to Anabell's crib and then. .disappear.

It vanished into Nothing. I was hallucinating, and I knew it. Terrified, I called my sister and asked her what the HECK to do. Rudy was all for me going to bed, but I was too scared to sleep. My head was earsplitting at this point in terrible aching pain, and I was SEEING THINGS. Around this time, I felt like I had bugs all over me, and my skin was crawling. We went to the ER at St.John's.

I checked in and told them everything about my headaches, my deppresion, and of course the hallucinations. First they asked me if I was using any drugs, and when I said no they said that I was "Outside their realm of knowledge on this subject." So, they sent me home and told me to wait until Monday and find a psychologist to help me "work through my problems." They also gave me a packet that clearly stated that if I was having hallucinations I should Go To The Hospital. Um, thanks you unhelpful people, I am AT the hospital for hallucinations and you are Sending Me Home.

 I slept all day Sunday, basically, and around four o'clock we went over to see Rudy's parents. That was exceptionally stressful and on the way home I got the Worst Headache In My Life. Scared, I called my mom and sister bawling.. I didn't know what to do. If the hospital told me to wait, shouldn't I wait? I was so scared. I called St.John's and the nurse said they'd probably just give me the run around again, so I was better off finding someone else that could help.

I called Memorial Hermann Southeast because I had good experiences with them before, and they said they'd definitely treat me. Off we went. I walked into the ER triage and nurse Connie was Amazing. She didn't ask me ONCE if I was on drugs. Instead she complimented me on my beautiful baby girl who was content with her daddy in the waiting room, such a trooper! She set me up for a CT Scan, and about an hour later I was getting my brain scanned.

They took me to a dark room after with cold compresses to relax until they got my results. A very kind doctor came in and said that I've got tension headaches and that those can lead to depression, anxiety, and hallucinations if they go untreated. He gave me lots of feel-good drugs, the good kind that I can still tend to Anabell if need be and he sent me on my way. I only have to take my medicine on an "As needed" basis, and I can get refills anytime. Uninsured, my Valium and Vicodin only costs $25 at CVS. I'm pretty proud of myself, because since my release, I've only had two doses, and at 5mg, I can take a dose every 3 hours. I just feel so much better!

After one DAY, I'm not suicidal, or upset, or... anxious. I feel fine. It is really very wonderful, and I know that I can talk to people now. Thank goodness!! Rudy and Anabell were troopers through all of this. Anabell was having a blast, and Rudy was just so kind and understanding. He must really love me, seeing as he never once thought I was crazy. It's just wonderful.


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