Thursday, April 7, 2011


 This post is exceedingly personal, and negative comments will be removed. I can not elaborate, but I am attempting to put into words my experiences as of late. 

Anabell all but jumped out of my arms and into her swing, and though there are many blogs and posts and such that I'd love to read, I am finding that these days I hardly have time to write in my own journal, let alone catch up on everyone else's and or post here, on mine.

While Anabell is happily swinging away, I thought I'd post with a fair few updates. Be forwarned, those who know me know that I will not care whether or not you find appreciation in such updates. Some of you will feel enlightened, as I have, and many of you will think, "She is WEIRD." I really don't care.

I have been spending my days playing with Anabell and finding that I learn far more from her than she does from me. She is so wise and beautiful, every day just to be in her presence is a blessing. The fact that she shares her knowledge with me is even more of a blessing.

So, if you are wondering why I have been distant, now you know why. Can you blame me? ;-)

I have also been finding a fine balance between family, and friends, and myself. It is a hard road. I am learning to appreciate every aspect of this new life though, and although it is hard for me to head out with my gal pal, Kayleigh, I am forever thankful that the fates have made it so...

I met Ty while Kay and I were out one night and he was so kind to me with his welcome arms. From across the room I knew what he was. When he read my palm, my thoughts were confirmed-- I was in the midst of a visionary, my friends-- and a darn good one at that. He has offered me lessons. I am terrified at the thought, so naturally, I am going to pursue this.

In other news, I have begun to eat exceptionally healthy, and I am walking as often as I can. Anabell loves this, of course, and I am finding my love for nature more and more every day. I used to be afraid of nature, which is understandable since it is so vast and incredible, and it is surely stronger than I am... but now that fear has grown into a respect, and a love above anything else. It is amazing.

I had a dream last night about my mother and me. We were in a huge feild on top of a hill. I could smell fresh clay and the grass, and of course the embers from the burning fire. We were in a circle chanting, singing, and cheering. We were preparing for war, and the red clay paint was smeared onto our bodies in a tribal fashion. My mother was an older man with bronze skin, and I was her son. We got our arrows ready and stood, ready to fight.

It was a wonderful dream.

I wish I could put these simple sentences into thoughts with feelings and explain in detail these wonderful experiences, but right  now isn't the time for any of that... I'm just going along for the ride at the moment. One day I will sit down and share these stories with you. Thank you for your patience.


  1. eating healthy healthy is tough. i started doing it in january and i'm not perfect with it but i think i've been doing pretty good. my skin cleared up and i feel so much better. then, when i put bad things in my system, i feel like CRAP. keep it up. you can do'll make you feel SO MUCH BETTER.
    (i'm going to suggest you start listening to The Jillian Michael's Show. it's a FREE podcast on iTunes. you can just download them and listen while you walk or cook or whatever. they are SOOOOO helpful to me)

  2. You make me smile and I love your updates when you have time. I miss you sooooo much, But I will be home for 2 1/2 months starting May 19th. Given that Im constantly less then 10 min away from your house when im home, we need to find time for eachother. Give that beautiful baby a kiss for me!!!
